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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Liturgical Celebrations

The Catholic liturgical year enjoys a number of religious feasts and celebrations that our school takes part in.   Our school carries out many masses, assemblies and other celebrations throughout the year to mark these key events.

Harvest Festival Celebration

 The school celebrated Harvest Festival by giving thanks for the food we receive.  We gave thanks for the earth's gifts both from the land and the sea, for clean, fresh water, for warmth from the sun and the energy it gives. Lastly we gave thanks for our parents/carers who prepare the food for us. 








harvest festival liturgy ppp 2024 1 1 .pdf

 Marian Procession and Crowning of Our Lady

May is traditionally the month of Our Lady. During this time we set up simple May Altars with a statue of Mary and some flowers. Last Tuesday we followed two May traditions in school, the Crowing of Mary and the Marian Procession. We gathered together as a school and listened to an introduction and explanation by Ms Thomas followed by a pupil leading us in prayer. Singing a Hymn we processed around the school behind a statue of Our Lady. When we returned to the Hall, children placed flowers before the statue (crowning). Throughout the month, there will be May altars in the Hall, School entrance and each classroom. 










 Feast of the Ascension

  The whole school celebrated Mass for the Feast of the Ascension.  





Good Friday Liturgy - Stations of the Cross

 The new Chaplaincy Group and Sycamore Class lead the whole school in a Good Friday Liturgy. There were two separate services, one for KS1 and the other for KS2. Children from Reception and Years 1 and 2 started with a reflection on the moments leading up to Jesus being crucified followed by their own ‘way of the cross’ around the playground. From Year 3 upwards, classes took part in more formal ‘Stations of the Cross’ outside. They meditated on the various stages of Jesus’ sad journey to the cross. This activity has been a tradition among Christians for around 1600 years. The Chaplaincy Group and Sycamore did an excellent job of preparing and leading the Liturgy. We all remembered at the end that the Resurrection followed Jesus death on the cross and that is why the Risen Lord is still with us today in our, school, families, church community and the world.

 The whole school was very proud of Sycamore class in leading the school in  the liturgy today and for their hard work and organisation of the event. 











Celebrating Maundy Thursday

Class 6 commemorated Maundy Thursday by re-enacting the two events that happened the Thursday night before Jesus’ crucifixion.  The Last Supper and the Washing of the Feet.   At the Last Supper he instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion by using bread and wine to represent his body and blood and serves as a reminder of his sacrifice for humanity.  Jesus then displayed humility by washing the feet of the disciples symbolising the importance of serving others with love and compassion.

 Well done to Nela for learning lots of lines and showing great acting skills in her portrayal of Jesus.








Palm Sunday Liturgy

On Thursday the school came alive with the sound of ‘Sing Hosanna’ echoing through the classrooms, corridors and then outside into the playground where the children took part in a Liturgy to celebrate the events of Palm Sunday-Jesus' triumphant journey into Bethlehem.  We gathered together and listened to the Gospel according to Mark and waved crosses made from Palm leaves.  Father Perry gave us some large palms from St Paul’s church so we could see where our palm crosses had come from. Father Perry also invited us all to take our palm crosses with us to Mass with us this Sunday to have them blessed.