Parent Governor Elections 2025
February 2025
A vacancy has arisen for a parent governor to represent the Federation of St Paul and St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary Schools.
The Governors are putting into operation the election process for the position, the Returning Officer for which will be the Head of School, Mrs Andrea Smith, who can be contacted via either school.
Any parent of a child attending either St Paul’s or St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary Schools is eligible to be nominated. Parent Governors are not elected to represent the views of the parents, but to take a full role as parents on the Governing Body.
As we currently have a parent governor from St Paul’s, ideally we would prefer a parent from St Martin of Porres’ current pupil cohort. However, this is not mandatory and should a parent from St Paul’s receive more votes, they will be elected.
Please see the following documents for more information -
Letter sent to parents/carers - 7th February 2025
Nomination Form - to be returned by Friday 14th February Eligibility
Please return nomination forms to if sending electronically. Please send letters to Andrea Smith c/o B O'Sullivan to either office who will forward accordingly.