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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Enrichment & Extra-Curricular

At St Martin’s, there is something for everyone.

Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership is fundamental to how we operate, and in efforts to ensure every pupil is heard and that they have the opportunity to develop key life skills early on. Find out more about our Pupil Council here.


We make great effort to celebrate our community, in an array of events and activities across the academy including exciting learning days, celebrations of cultures, beliefs and achievements:

  • House Teams

  • House competitions and points

  • Charity and fundraising days

  • Sports Day

  • World Book Day

  • Celebration assemblies.


Partnerships are integral to the success of our school. These include, but are not limited to:

  • We work in strong partnership with our parents to support pupil learning, wellbeing and development.

  • The Cardinal Hume Academies Trust and our associated schools provide leadership and the sharing of best practise and resources and working alongside schools throughout the Trust offers exciting opportunities and supports transition.

  • Friends of St Martin’s: a group of parents who work with the school to raise funds and organise events for the community.  Get in touch by emailing stmartinfriends@gmail.com 

Enrichment and Extra-Curricular Clubs

Our dedication to enrichment is evident in the wealth of opportunities and experiences our pupils participate in, allowing them to extend their learning beyond the classroom and experience life-enhancing opportunities.

Highlights of our enrichment offer include:

  • Woven into the curriculum are a menu of trips, which are highly rewarding and complement learning taking place in the classroom.

  • We are lucky enough at St Martin of Porres, to be situated in grounds that have some ideal green and woodland space to develop a Forest School for our pupils. There are many benefits of accessing Forest School, find out more here.

  • We ensure a wide variety of extra-curricular activities are available for all pupils to take part in, developing skills and interests, and giving pupils new and exciting experiences and opportunities. These activities are provided for the children by external providers but take place within the school environment.  

    Please click on this link to see all extra curricular club details.