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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Breakfast & After School Club - Wraparound Care 

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club starts at 8.00am.

Breakfast Club is available for children in Nursery to Year 6.

A light breakfast is included such as cereal, toast and yoghurt.

The cost is £5.00 per session.  To book please contact the office in advance. 

St Martin's After School Club

The After School Club is managed and run by St Martin of Porres Catholic School staff who work closely with the Executive Headteacher to ensure continuity of care.  The club operates from 3.20pm to 6.00pm term-time only for parents wishing to use the 'Regular' or ad hoc 'Pay as you go' service.  After School Club is available for children from Reception to Year 6.

Fees include - 

 Regular Sessions

The regular fee is £13.00 for a fixed number of session(s) during term-time.  Siblings are eligible for sibling discount(s).  Any additional ad-hoc sessions are subject to notification and are charged at the pay as you go rate.

 Need After School Club for less time?

The Governors of the Federation have recently reviewed the costs of After School Club and I am pleased to announce some changes in our pricing policy. After School Club will be offering two sessions each afternoon.

Parents can sign their children up for one or both of these.

Session 1: 3:20pm – 4:30pm £6.00

Session 2: 4:30pm – 6:00pm £7.00

Children who attend an extra-curricula club straight after school and then wish to attend After School Club will only be charged for the second session. If Session 1 children are picked up after 4:30pm they will automatically be included in the second session and parents will be charged for this additional provision.

Snack Time

A light meal is available such as pasta, jacket potatoes, sandwiches, tortillas, fruit and yoghurt.


Weekly activities include cooking, film-making, arts and crafts, team sports, sewing and weaving and Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (S.T.E.M.) challenges.

After School Club Policy - Please click here