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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Friends of St Martin's    

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A warm welcome to the new academic year – 2024 / 2025 

 Please click here for the Friends of St Martin's Welcome Letter for 2024/2025

The Friends of St Martin of Porres are a group of parents who work with the school to raise funds and arrange fun events for our school family. If you'd like to get involved, please get in touch. We're always looking for people to help at events, do admin, provide ideas and many other things. Just email stmartinfriends@gmail.com

All parents of children at St Martin of Porres School are automatically members of the Friends of St Martin of Porres, a voluntary organisation whose aim it is to raise funds to aid the running of our school. We have chosen a Catholic education for our children and part of that commitment comes with a responsibility to do everything we can to ensure that the school is well maintained and financially sustainable so that our children can continue to benefit from the distinctive ethos that St Martin of Porres provides. 


Confirmed Events for 2024-2025 are -


Year 6 Cake & Uniform Sale

Friday 21st September  3.00 - 3.30pm

Annual General Meeting

Monday 9th October 6.00pm in the School Hall

Year 5 Cake & Uniform Sale

Friday 18th October 3.00 - 3.30pm

Christmas Fair

Saturday 30th November 12.00pm - 3.00pm

Christmas Raffle Draw

 Monday 16th December


Year 3 Cake & Uniform Sale

 Friday 31st January 3.00 - 3.30pm

Valentine's Day Sale

Friday 14th February 

Easter Fun Run and Sale

Thursday 27th March 2.30pm

Year 2 Cake & Uniform Sale 

 Friday 28th March 3.00 - 3.30pm

Easter Raffle Draw

Monday 31st March

Year 1 Cake & Uniform Sale

 Friday 2nd May 3.00 - 3.30pm

Summer Fair


Reception Cake & Uniform Sale

 Friday 11th July 3.00 - 3.30pm

At present the Friends: 

  • Subsidise each school trip by nearly £3 per child 

  • Provide additional equipment and resources for classrooms, as well as the replacement of books for both KS1 and KS2 libraries. 

  • Pay for visiting workshops and groups into the school, for example The Magic Lantern, Story Tellers, Ten Ten Theatre Company, K.A.O.S. music group, Science workshops and entertainment for the EYFS – Nursery/Reception. 


The Friends of St Martins would like to thank everyone for their tremendous support in the last academic year and a record sum of money was raised from the effort and hard work of so many. 

The Friends Committee consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, a Secretary and representatives for each class. These reps can take it in turns to attend committee meetings and to help to pass on communication within their class. There is usually one meeting per half-term depending on the events timetable. 

Could you be a Trustee?

We'd love a new Trustee for the Friends of St Martin's/PTA to join Penny, Sam and Emerlynne.  Being a Trustee is pretty straightforward:

  • Come to the AGM
  • Check we're spending wisely (by, eg, looking, at bank statements once or twice a year)
  • Contribute or listen to ideas for the Friends, and check we're doing what we're supposed to
  • Sign occasional documents (this is normally just our lottery returns every other month)

You don't have to be a British citizen, and you don't even have to have a child at our school.  If you can help or would like to know more, please email stmartinfriends@gmail.com!  Thank you.

Committee elected at the meeting of the AGM 2024

Chair - Vacant

Vice Chair - Vacant

Secretary - Penny Woods

Treasurer - Sam Harvey

Finance Team - Vacancies