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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Personal, Social, Health & Social Education (PSHE)

Although not a statutory subject, the National Curriculum states that all schools should make provision for this curriculum area. PSHE has always been at the heart of our curriculum, preparing pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. It is a subject that enables children to keep themselves safe, happy and balanced in approach to daily life. The subject is used to reinforce a philosophy about dealing with power imbalances, bullying, friendships, eSafety and daily interactions. It is used to encourage effective goal setting and to develop resilience and resourcefulness in approach to common everyday problems, directing pupils towards appropriate support. This may be delivered in the form of weekly or blocked lessons and includes the opportunity for ‘Circle Time’ and ‘Protective Behaviours’ work. As part of our approach to keeping children safe, pupils review their ‘hand network’ each half term and, through this, are encouraged to think about the individuals that they can turn to when they are in need of advice or support in a range of situations.

There is a separate policy for the teaching of Relationships and Health Education (RHE). This is based upon the Advice of Diocesan Trustees and is rooted in our faith values.