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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Reading/Literacy Scheme

 English, including Phonics and Reading Scheme

The English curriculum, which follows the National Curriculum for English includes the teaching of speaking and listening, reading, writing, spelling, handwriting and drama. 

The development of English in speaking and listening, reading and writing is one of the primary concerns of the School.  However, it is not limited to specific English lessons; there are many opportunities across the School curriculum.  The children are encouraged to speak and discuss, to articulate their ideas and to express their points of view with clarity and precision.  They are encouraged to read widely and avidly for pleasure and information. It is hoped that they will learn to read fluently and accurately with understanding and expression. 

KS1 pupil's reading journey begins with introducing them to phonics using the Read Write Inc scheme. 

Parents can find further information at - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/ 

Each child has a Reading Diary that encourages dialogue between the home and School about the child’s progress with reading.  The children are expected to read at home each day for at least 15-20 minutes.  All children are members of the School library and are expected to be members of the local library and to use it regularly. 

It is expected that each child will be taught to write legibly and that he or she will fulfil their potential in spelling, grammar, punctuation and handwriting. 

Written language will arise from a variety of purposes, such as the relating of personal experiences, stories, poems, descriptive accounts, letters and the ordering and recording of information. 


                                                                       Hanging with our books