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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Did you know

  • that it's impossible to hum while you hold your nose?
  • on average, that lightening strikes Earth 100 times each second?
  • a gas associated with living organisms is in Venus' atmosphere?

These are just some of the Science facts that our children learn during their Science lessons when they are St. Martin’s. 

 At St. Martin’s we want our science curriculum to  equip our children with sound scientific knowledge and skills, to inspire them to be curious and passionate in their learning about our world and to recognise it is everyone’s responsibility to sustain it for future generations.  We achieve this though providing inspiring, creative and practical lessons and help the children see that science is all around them.   We challenge the children to test out their theories, apply their knowledge and use their skills to make scientific discoveries which fill them with awe and wonder. 

 Our broad and progressive science curriculum takes children on a learning journey through the different branches of science: biology, chemistry and physics, so that they are ready for the next steps in their education.  We encourage them to apply their learning to develop a sustainable culture so that God’s wonderful creation can be supported and nurtured. 

By learning about scientists, both from the past and present day, our children learn about the importance of resilience, problem solving, collaboration, communication, fair testing and recording.  These are all valuable learning behaviours which can be transferred across the curriculum and which make Science such a stimulating and inspiring area of the curriculum.